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Relatively quiet weekend… Last night, I put up a “Social Stream” page on this site, which will provide a partial feed of my Twitter and Facebook accounts – most posts with media will be listed, plus other items, as I choose.  Today, I helped Wifeygirl set up her WordPress site for her book reviews – – we converted data from her existing Blogspot account.  Still needs a theme, and some general cleanup before a full launch… she’s working on that as I write this, so go ahead and check it out.

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Goals for 2013

As someone who lives in the moment (at least in my personal life), setting general goals isn’t always a productive action for me.  But, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a good idea.

My personal goals for 2012 2013 are to

  • get back to the gym on the treadmill 3x/week
  • lose about 40 pounds ~ 20kg ~ 3 stone
  • get a post onto this blog at least once per week
  • help Wifeygirl with her hopeful new career plans
  • get a portion of my family genealogy up on the web – that’s been my main hobby for the past year
  • complete the process of naturalizing as a dual Italian/American citizen
  • plan a European vacation for either New Years’ 2014 or Spring 2014
  • continue to do well in my job
  • brew 2 or 3 batches of beer and mead

I’m sure I’ll be posting more about these as the year goes on.

Stretch goals

  • ride my bicycle from Providence to Woonsocket and back via the Blackstone Valley Bike Path
  • get out of the country (certainly do-able, but not sure about timing)
  • find a way to take a summer vacation

Yeah, that’ll do.

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It’s been almost 18 years since I set up the original, and hand-coded one of the best 1995-era sites in existence.  The only problem is that the internet has changed just a little in that time (as have I, go figure).  Since I was in the process of changing my hosting service, I thought I’d start fresh.  Don’t quite know where it’s going to go, but it was time for a change.

As my brain is as convoluted as ever, my posts will probably be related to homebrewing, politics, travel, and whatever’s on my mind.  This is an opportunity to supplement FB and Twitter with a bit more substance, and to channel my inner Andy Rooney.